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Andrean NR

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Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan

Reading Session ( 1-10 )

Doctors are engaged in a never-ending battle against infectious diseases, they suggest that the best way to keep safe would be to get vaccinated. However, it turns out that some vaccines given to babies were less than perfect. Almost half of the victims of measles were college-age or older, and nearly all had been vaccinated. For adults other defiant diseases pose even greater health risks.

Yet, too many people avoid shots or don't get boosters to supplement earlier vaccines. The main problem is that there's no working system for vaccinating adults, as there is for children and even pets. Adults should be educated about preventable infectious diseases, especially if they are traveling. There are still many countries where measles, mumps, polio, and rubella are uncontrolled.

Keeping safe from infectious diseases is a never-ending battle. There are thousands of different bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can invade body. Doctors say that you should find out if you are immune or if you need a shot.

Most adults never think about their shots u unless there is a special reason : a trip to exotic places, a flu epidemic or a brush with a rusty nail. But keeping track of immunization is very important. The need for inoculations does not end with high school.

Judul (Reading), Sinonim
1. Which of the following would make the best title for the passage?
a. The Never-ending Battle against Disease
b. vaccinations
c. Inoculation for Adults
d. Greater Health Risks

Jawaban : C
Penjelasan : Judul berasal dari gagasan utama bacaan, yang dapat ditemukan dalam paragraf pertama kemudian keseluruhan bacaan. Perkenalan bacaan tentang penyakit dan vaksin yang belum sempurna. Kemudian pengarang bercerita tentang orang seusia mahasiswa yang masih menderita cacar air meskipun mereka telah mendapatkan vaksinasi. Kalimat terakhir paragram pertama biasanya memuat kata kunci untuk mendapatkan gagasan utama. Pada kasus ini subjek kalimat adalah resiko penyakit bagi orang dewasa. Orang menjadi subjek paragraf kedua tetapi kita akan segera tahu bahwa yang direferensikan pengarang adalah orang dewasa. Kata vaksinasi ditulis dua kali pada paragraf pertama dan kata benda vaksin sekali, inoculation merupakan sinonim vaccination.
Kata kunci : college-age or older, people, vaccination.

Arti Kata-kata, Inference (Reading)
2. What are "booster" in line 7?
a. Additional shots given some time after first vaccination
b. Shots people do not avoid
c. A disease like hepatitis B
d. Vaccines given before the main vaccine

Jawaban : A
Penjelasan : Dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa booster diberikan sebagai tambahan terhadap vaksinasi awal. Jadi dengan kata lain, booster merupakan suntikan tambahan yang diberikan beberapa kali setelah vaksinasi pertama.
Kata kunci : supllement, earlier

3. For whom do we assume there is a good working system for inoculation?
a. High school students
b. Babies
c. Household pets and children
d. All three A, B, C

Jawaban : D
Penjelasan : Perhatikan paragraf 2 di mana pengarang menyatakan tidak adanya sistem yang bekerja untuk vaksinasi atau inokulasi bagi orang dewasa, pengarang juga menyebutkan anak-anak dan bahkan hewan peliharaan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban D menjadi jawaban yang paling tepat karena memuat ketiganya.
Kata kunci : as there is for, children

4. The word "preventable" in line 10 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a. Unstoppable
b. Avoidable
c. Deadly
d. contagious

Jawaban : B
Penjelasan : Bacaan berisi tentang pencegahan terhadap penyakit dengan vaksinasi. Jadi to prevent berarti mencegah datangnya penyakit. Pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah avoidable yang berarti orang dapat mencegahnya. Sedangkan ketiga pilihan jawaban lainnya mempunyai arti yang relatif berlawanan yang berarti penyakit dapat menginfeksi. 
Kata kunci : vaccinating

5. According to the passage what can doctors tell us to help us avoid infectious disease?
a. How bacteria enter the body
b. What diseases we may catch
c. Where not to travel to
d. To have a shot against every disease

Jawaban : B
Penjelasan : Jawaban D dapat menjadi jawaban yang benar tetapi tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan. Jawaban berada dalam paragraf 3 dimana pengarang menulis bahwa dokter mengatakan kamu mendapat kekebalan. Hal ini sama saja dengan dokter akan memberitahu kamu penyakit apa yang tidak akan kamu dapatkan karena kamu kebal dan apa yang bisa menjangkiti kamu sehingga kamu perlu tambahan kekebalan.
Kata kunci : if you need a shot

Pertanyaan NOT-type, Inference (Reading)
6. When is it likely that adults will not think about having a vaccination?
a. Just before the flu session
b. After cutting themselves on a sharp piece of metal
c. Just before goin on a trip to Florida
d. Before going to a conference in Africa

Jawaban : C
Penjelasan = Daftar yang ditanyakan terdapat pada paragraf terakhir. Jawaban A disebutkan. Jawaban B juga disebutkan meskipun sepotong logam belum tentu berkarat, tetapi tetap perlu vaksinasi. Mengingat salah satu alasan memakai vaksinasi adalah ketika mendatangi tempat yang eksotis, maka jawaban C dan D bisa menjadi jawaban yang dimaksudkan, yaitu tempat yang tidak eksotis. Bagi orang Amerika, Florida bukanlah tempat yang eksotis karena eksotis berarti asing atau aneh. Bagi orang Amerika, Afrika adalah tempat yang eksotis. 
Kata kunci : exotic, a rusty nail

7. The words "their shots" in line 18 refer to
a. Efforts
b. Disease
c. Drinks
d. Inoculation

Jawaban : D
Penjelasan : Dalam paragraf 4 dapat kita baca bahwa dokter menyatakan bahwa anda bisa memperoleh shot jika Anda belum mendapat imunisasi. Dengan kata lain shot merupakan suatu usaha yang bisa diberikan lewat suntikan atau obat yang diminum untuk mendapat vaksinasi atau inokulasi.
Kata kunci : immune, need a shot

8. The word "exotic" in line 19 closest in meaning to :
a. Foreign
b. Distant
c. Dangerous
d. Undeveloped

Jawaban : A
Penjelasan = Lihat pembahasan nomor 6.
Kata kunci : unless there is a special reason

9. Why does the author mention the phrase "a brush with a rusty nail"?
a. To give another reason why people may get a shot
b. To show what can happen on a trip to an exotic place
c. To give an example of when immunization is not being track of
d. To show what can happen when you become an adult

Jawaban : A
Penjelasan = Anda dapat terkena palu berkarat kapanpun dan dimanapun. Kejadian ini merupakan kejadian khusus yang menyebabkan orang memerlukan vaksinasi seperti yang dinyatakan dalam paragraf terakhir. 
Kata kunci : unless, special reason

Maksud (Reading)
10. What is the purpose of this passage?
a. To persuade doctors to inoculate all people, adults too
b. To convince adults they need vaccination too
c. To remind high school students to get boosters when they are older
d. To get Americans to think about the disease they can catch

Jawaban : B
Penjelasan : Bacaan ini bercerita tentang pentingnya vaksinasi bagi orang dewasa. Sebenarnya vaksinasi hanya diberikan pada anak-anak untuk membuat sistem kekebalan tubuh. Tetapi mengingat adanya orang dewasa yang menderita cacar air yang merupakan penyakit yang seharusnya tidak muncul karena telah ada vaksinasi, maka pengarang ingin menyakinkan bahwa vaksinasi juga perlu bagi orang dewasa.
Kata kunci : adults should, most adults never

Reading Comprehension ( 11 - 20)

This rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban industrial circumstances of the last half of the 19“’ century were accompanied by the development of a national literature of great abundance and variety. Line New themes, new forms, new subjects, new regions, new authors, new audiences all emerged in the literature of this half century. As a result, at the onset of World War I, the spirit and substance of American literature had evolved remarkably, just as its center of production had shifted from Boston to New York In the late 1880s and the sources of its energy to Chicago and the Midwest. 

No longer was it produced, at least in its popular forms, in the main by solemn, typically moralistic men from New England and the Old South; no longer were polite, well-dressed, grammatically correct, middle-class young people the only central characters in its narratives no longer were these narratives to be set in exotic places and remote times; no longer, indeed, were fiction, poetry, drama, and formal history the chief acceptable forms of literary expression; no longer, finally, was literature read primarily by young, middle class women.

In sum, American literature in these years fulfilled in considerable measure the condition Walt Whitman called for in l867 in describing Leaves of Grass: It treats, he said of his own major work, each state and region as peers “and expands from them, and includes the world connecting an American citizen with the citizens of all nations.” At the same time, these years saw the emergence of what has been designated “the literature of argument,” powerful works in sociology, philosophy, psychology, many of them impelled by the spirit of exposure and reform. Just as America learned to play a role in this half century as an autonomous international political, economic, and military power, so did its literature establish itself as a producer of major works.

11. The main idea of this passage is …
a. that the new American literature was less provincial than the old
b. that World War I caused a dramatic change in America
c. that centers of culture shifted from East to West
d. that most people were wary of the new literature

Jawab: (A) that the new American literature was less provincial
Pembahasan: Gagasan utama dari bacaan ini adalah sastra Amerika baru kurang kedaerahan dari yang lawas (that the new American literature was less provincial than the old).
Keyword: were accompanied by the development of a national literature

12. It can be inferred from lines 1-3 that the previous passage probably discussed …
a. the Importance of tradition to writers
b. new developments in industrialization and population shifts
c. the fashions and values of 19th century America
d. the limitations of American literature to this time

Jawab: (B) new developments In Industrialization and population shifts
Pembahasan: Yang dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat 1 adalah perkembangan pergeseran industrialisasl dan populasi yang baru (new developments in industrialization and population shifts).
Keyword: the rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban Industrial

13. The word “evolved” is closest in meaning to…
a. became famous
b. turned back
c. diminished
d. changed

Jawab: (D) changed
Pembahasan: evolved – berevolusi became famous = menjadi terkenal turned back = berbalik diminished = berkurang changed = berubah
Keyword: had shifted from

14. The word “it” refers to…
a. the population
b. the energy
c. American literature
d. the manufacturing

Jawab: (C) American literature Keyword: the spirit and substance of American literature
Pembahasan: Kata “it” mengacu pada sastra Amerika (American literature).
Keyword: the spirit and substance of American literature

15. The word “exotic” is closest in meaning to…
a. urban
b. unusual
c. well-known
d. old-fashioned

Jawab : (B) unusual Keyword Pembahasan
Pembahasan: Kata “exotic” = eksotis arti yang terdekat unusual = tidak biasa
• urban = perkotaan
• unusual = tidak biasa
• well-known = terkenal
• old-fashioned = kuno
Keyword: exotic places and remote times

16. The author uses the word “indeed” for what purpose?
a. to emphasize the contrast he is making
b. for variety in a lengthy paragraph
c. to wind down his argument
d. to show a favorable attitude to these forms of literature

Jawab: (A) to emphasize the contrast he is making
Pembahasan: Penulis menggunakan kata ” indeed = benar” untuk menekankan kontras (to emphasize the contrast he is making).
Keyword: no longer

17. The phrase “these years” in line 17 refers to …
a. 1850-1900
b. the 1900s
c. the early 1800s
d. the present

Jawab: (A) 1850-1900
Pembahasan: Ungkapan “these years = bertahun-tahun” dalam mengacu pada 1850-1900.
Keyword: in late 1880s

18. It can be inferred from the passage that Walt Whitman…
a. disliked urban life
b. was disapproving of the new literature
c. wrote Leaves of Grass
d. was an international diplomat

Jawab: (C) wrote Leaves of Grass Keyword: in describing Leaves of Grass
Pembahasan: Hal yang dapat disimpulkan tentang Walt Whitman adalah menulis Leaves of Grass.
Keyword: in describing Leaves of Grass

19. All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the new literature EXCEPT…
a. it was not highly regarded Internationally
b. it introduced new american themes, characters, and settings
c. itbrokewithmanyliterarytraditionsofthepast
d. it spoke to the issue of reform and change

Jawab: (A) it was not highly regarded internationally
Pembahasan: Simpulan di atas adalah benar tentang “new literature” literatur baru kecuali sangat tidak dihargai secara internasional (It was not highly regarded internationally).
Keyword: 50 did its literature establish itself

20. This passage would probably be read in which of the following academic courses?
a. European history
b. American literature
c. Current events
d. International affairs

Jawab: (B) American literature
Pembahasan: Bagian ini mungkin akan dibaca di mana di kelas sastra Amerika.
Keyword: substance of American literature

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